From Wiz-Life+
The earth of the IMPL Set of Actions, which is a core engine of the WIZ services project, is a bundle of software applications required for the subsequent implementation of the WIZ service platforms.
In addition to new coding, it will extensively use and assemble existing open source tools and libraries. Moreover, the WIZ engine will deliver components to the community of developers for further open improvements. All building blocks are accompanied by technical documentation and specialized training materials.
The scenario of the WIZ components may be represented as follows (vertical lines group functional dimensions):
The WIZ demonstration platform includes the following services:
- WIZ4All - for citizens, professionals and undertakings. This will be made web-available and although it will start with data from a group of Galician communities, the service will open doors to all local authorities willing to integrate their spatial planning data for better governance and wider participation. Integration with popular services (e.g. Google Earth and/or others) will increase user bases.
- WIZ4Planners - for planners of the built environment. This must represent an agreed tool to obtain supporting evidence for planning and economic analysis.
Institutionalization activities are of primary importance and their achievement will be one of the key project goals. Institutionalisation is the process via which organisations, methods and procedures acquire value and stability, and how relations and behavioural models become typical, intrinsically valid, and independent from the individuals originally involved. At the end of the project, the WIZ approach will be “taken for granted” by the community involved. To define the institutionalisation rate it is necessary to focus on the legal component, in order to make local policy-makers aware of WIZ usefulness and reliability in terms of increased policy-planning quality.
The main project tasks within the Set of Actions are:
A11 | Implementation of the WIZ projection engine | 30/06/2011 – 30/12/2011 |
A12 | Implementation of WIZ4Planners platform | 02/01/2012 – 31/05/2013 |
A13 | Implementation of WIZ4All platform | 23/09/2011 – 31/05/2013 |
A14 | Institutionalisation activities | 25/10/2011 – 31/05/2013 |