From Wiz-Life+
Transferability of results
Transferability of the results of WIZ to other territorial contexts, the possibility of guaranteeing constant and lasting improvement and the application of new solutions or the development of related service is above all ensured by the open-source availability of the source code at the base of the WIZ platform.
The source code was made public on GitHub ( and SourceForge (, two of the most well-known and used platforms of development and software sharing in the world. The code can also be downloaded directly from the website of the WIZ online (
The developers can also access a test site specifically created and maintained by the coordinating partner to test the development and addition of plug-in or extensions to the source code ( The idea is to share the further developments and improvements of the system or, better yet, to share all the adaptations that also satisfy other needs, with the scientific community and developers.
There is also a portal with the descriptions of the WIZ metadata (, which respect the mode envisaged by the directive INSPIRE 2007/2/EC.
WIZ is also one of the projects registered on CLIMATE-ADAPT – the European platform on the adaptation to climate change (, as an interactive web tool on the adaptation to climate change.