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Carbon FootPrint

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The WIZ Partners committed themselves to making all possible efforts to reduce the project's carbon footprint. This has been carried out by:

  • limiting the amount of air travel;
  • ensuring that short-range commuting made use of public transport whenever possible;
  • adopting management rules that encouraged the use of digital communication and information systems;
  • publishing project documents digitally;
  • WIZ Partners preferred email and web communications also with key stakeholders.

At the end of three years of implementation (2010-2013) the Carbon Footprint of WIZ has been estimated at 4.43 tons of CO2. According to estimates made by the partners on the basis of a comparison with the eventual use of highest impact transports (cars, planes, etc..), the carbon footprint is about 34% less.

WIZ used the Carbon Footprint Ltd calculator to quantify the amount of greenhouse gases produced by the project's actions.